
Urdumaza Chat Room is a Pakistani chat room where you can chat from all over the local people. this chat room is specially made for urdu speaking people who can speak their own language. in this Urdu maza Lobby you can meet people from all over the world as well including Pakistani, Indian, UK, US, USA.

urdu maza Chat Room lobby provides you entertainment and enjoyment of chatting with people throughout the world. Enjoy Free chat with girls and boys online only on Urdu maza Chat room. Also enjoy Rj’s and dj’s shows with your lovely and nice friends. also you can dedicate songs,poetry,and give nice MSG to them via using Voice Msg Option.this chat room is full of entertainment so what are you waiting for enter your nickname and start chatting today.

Urdumaza lobby chat room is open for fun chat in a friendly and exciting style. Chat room lobby Urdu maza is pure entertainment site for youngsters. It’s completely free friendship zone. Urdu maza lobby is online virtual chat site for lovely people and also love making opportunity is waiting for you so don’t waste your time and join urdu maza lobby right now and enjoy your time with your family like friends.


  • Type Your Name In the chat Box
  • no need password if you are no register
  • password require for only register user
  • if you are new just use your nickname to enter chat room
  • no registration require at all
  • easy to use


  • No Abusive Language
  • No Spamming
  • If Any Query Then Contact Admins
  • Complaint to Admins or just send Snapshot To our Admins.
  • For Any Other Complaint Just Fill the Contact Us Form.


Our website is not directed at, or intended for use by, children under the age of 13. This website is a general audience website but we have blocked out users under 13 on the kids chat area of our site that may be misunderstood by some as being directed for users under 13. We do not knowingly allow anyone to provide any personal identifying information on our website. Everyone must take caution before sending personal information over the Internet and through chat rooms.